It's true. I wish I could lounge around the pool or beach, laying soaking up all the wonderful rays the sun has to offer. Turning every half hour to keep my tan even. Sipping a tasty beverage, reading smut on But, no, I am at the rec center. So much chlorine my lungs hurt, no chance of sunshine in here. But seriously, I can deal with all the kids, chlorine, nasty dudes and there ginormous guts. What really chaps my hid is that in 2000 some years no one has invented a swimsuit for chicks that doesn't snag when you sit on the pool bottom or on the edge. I can't lounge around. I got three kids for hecks sake, there's no lounging. So please someone I need a suit that will not snag, if not I am going to start wearing cutoffs and wife beaters to the pool.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Posted by Mel Z La Downs at 9:33 PM
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