Monday, September 14, 2009

This is what happens.......

........when I am trying to put Ledger down for bed. I haven't quite figured out how to put three kids to bed at the same time. Ledger goes down around 8 and Trey and Nixon around 8:30. When I am in dressing, and feeding Ledger, Trey and Nixon are suppose to be putting their pajamas on and picking out books. Ha. Why? Why do that when there is a perfectly good dresser that needs jumped off, and a perfectly good pile of pillows to land in.

FYI Tyra Banks. Nixon totally knows how to work that smile when jumping. I got some great shots of him. Not too sure what all the orb things are. I tried cleaning the lens a gabillion times. I am hoping that it's paranormal. They are always talking about the "orbs" in the ghost hunter shows. I always wanted to see a ghost.